Gleeson. Starts with a beamer. Curran misses the free hit. Four! Dube misfields at the midwicket region and balls goes for four. Curran given out LBW! Pitching outside leg and the decision is turned. Shashank pushes the ball towards square leg and gets a double. Match over. PBKS wins by seven wickets.
Rahman for his last over. Two runs in first three balls. Tight over so far. Three wides in the over so far. Double on the fifth ball. Nine runs from the over including four wides.
Ball is changed again. 28 needed off 30 balls.
Moeen Ali to bowl the over. He starts off with a dot as well. A single on the second ball. SIX! A bit short and he swats it over midwicket for a maximum. Follows it up with a double towards square leg. 11 runs from the over.
Rahman for his third. Three dot balls on the trot. Four now. Cutters working for Rahman. Another dot! Shashank unable to find the gap. Maiden over!!
Shardul again. Shashank launches the ball high in the air, Mitchell runs behind but isn’t able to grab the ball. Tough catch. A boundary, slower ball guided fine of the deep third fielder by Sam Curran. It’s a no ball also. FOUR! Short and wide. Curran upper cuts towards backward point.
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