Prime Minister Narendra Modi asserted on Saturday that his “vocal for local” campaign is bearing fruit as Indian products are going global and making their presence felt across the world.
Speaking at the NXT conclave where the ‘NewsX World’ channel was launched, Modi also said that India was becoming the land of infinite innovations, finding affordable solutions and offering them to the world.
“The world is keenly watching 21st-century India. People from around the globe want to visit and understand India,” Modi said.
He said that the country was now emerging as a manufacturing hub and a “factory of the world”.
“For decades, the world referred to India as their back office. Now, India is becoming the new factory of the world. We are no longer just a workforce but instead becoming a world force,” Modi said.
The prime minister said that India’s rising defence products showcase the strength of its engineering and technology to the world.
“From electronics to the automobile sector, the world has witnessed India’s scale and capability. India is not only providing products to the world but is also becoming a trusted and reliable partner in the global supply chain,” Modi said.
The prime minister said India’s leadership in various sectors was a result of years of hard work and systematic policy decisions.