Capial highest day temperature in January in 6 years

Capial highest day temperature in January in 6 years

Delhi saw the highest day temperature in January in six years with the maximum temperature on Sunday recorded at 26.1 degrees Celsius, seven notches above normal, according to the India Meteorological Department (IMD). The weather office has also said that the Capital is likely to witness rain on Wednesday and Thursday.

Six years ago, in 2019, the city recorded the highest day temperature in January at 28.7 degrees Celsius. Last year, the highest temperature in the month was 24 degrees Celsius.

On Sunday, the minimum temperature was also reported above normal by around two notches at 9.2 degrees Celsius.

Even as the city woke up to a foggy morning, improved wind speed and surge in temperature gave way to a clear sky during the day. However, the air quality showed a declining trend initially as the Capital reported an average air quality index (AQI) of 368 (‘very poor’) against Saturday’s AQI of 255 (‘poor’).