A one and a half year old girl was badly injured by a neighbor’s pitbull breed dog in Burari area of North Delhi. At the time of the incident, the girl was in her grandfather’s lap; the pit bull snatched her from his lap and attacked the girl. The incident took place on January 2.
The girl remained in the hospital for 17 days. The bone of his leg is broken at three places. He also received 18 stitches. CCTV camera footage of the pitbull attack also went viral. A complaint has been given to the police in this matter but no action has been taken yet.
The girl lives with her family in Uttarakhand Colony. On the morning of January 2, her grandfather Jogeshwar Kumar Mehta had gone out for a walk with the girl. She was in his lap. During this time, a person living in the neighborhood, Ulwal Vishwakarma, had gone out to walk his pitbull dog. Then suddenly the pitbull attacked the girl and pulled her by her leg. He kept scratching the girl for a long time. Dozens of people kept trying to free the girl from the pitbull.
He did not leave the girl for a long time. After that somehow the girl was rescued. Then he was admitted to the hospital. Where she was admitted for 17 days. In this matter the police officer said that he is investigating.
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