Demands for sexual favours, at least 10 cases of molestation detailed in 2 FIRs against Brij Bhushan

Demands for sexual favours, at least 10 cases of molestation detailed in 2 FIRs against Brij Bhushan

AT least two instances of demanding “sexual favours” in lieu of professional assistance; at least 15 incidents of sexual harassment that include 10 episodes of inappropriate touching, molestation that includes running hands over breasts, touching the navel; several instances of intimidation including stalking — and a shared sense of fear and trauma. These form the key allegations in two FIRs filed with the Delhi Police on April 28 against Wrestling Federation of India chief and BJP MP Brij Bhushan Singh.

Both the FIRs cite IPC Sections 354 (assault or criminal force to woman with intent to outrage her modesty), 354A (sexual harassment), 354D (stalking) and 34 (common intention) that carry a jail term of one to three years. The first FIR covers the allegations of six adult wrestlers and also names WFI secretary Vinod Tomar. The second FIR is based on the complaint of a minor’s father and also invokes Section 10 of the POCSO Act which entails five to seven years of imprisonment. The incidents mentioned allegedly took place in India and overseas from 2012 to 2022.

The minor’s complaint, filed by her father, alleges that his daughter was “completely disturbed and cannot be at peace anymore …sexual harassment by the accused (Singh) continues to haunt her”.

Below are the salient allegations, according to the FIRs.

The minor’s allegations

  • “Holding her tightly, pretending to get a picture clicked, the accused (Singh) squeezed her towards himself, pressed hard on her shoulder and then deliberately…brushed his hands against her breasts”.
  • “She clearly told the accused (Singh) she had already told him that she was not interested in having any sort of physical relationship and that he should stop stalking her…”

The FIR concerning the six adult wrestlers alleges a series of Singh’s inappropriate advances.

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